Delta ejects family from aircraft (VIDEO)

Delta ejects family from aircraft A man identified as Brian Schear originally purchased for his teenage son. When the teen took an earlier flight home, Schear claimed that his teenage son’s seat was being used for Schear’s 2-year-old son, who was in a car seat. The family was heading home from a vacation in Hawaii when they were ejected from the flight. Schear was never a threat, belligerent, or showed any signs that him or his family would cause passengers or crew to be in any danger. Despite Schear being quite reasonable with the crew, Delta ejected the family from the plane. Schear was willing to hold his infant in his lap but the crew refused to let him fly. See for yourself below. My thoughts: Schear’s was wrong in assuming that his infant son would be able to use the seat that was once assigned to his teenage son. It’s industry practice to assign the seat to a different passenger when the original occupier does not board the flight. Delta, however, was also wrong for ejecting the entire family. Schear never became belligerent, aggressive, or gave the crew a reason to believe that he would become dangerous during the flight, the crew should have let Schear stay on board [...] The post Delta ejects family from aircraft (VIDEO) appeared first on The Winglet.

Written by BoardingArea @

Written by BoardingArea @