Disgusting: Video Surfaces Of A United Employee Shoving A Customer To The Ground In 2015

While this goes back a couple of years, video footage has just recently emerged of an incident that occurred on July 21, 2015, between a United employee and customer at Houston Airport. In the video you can see a United customer service agent intentionally shoving a 71 year old man to the ground after he asks a question. Even after being shoved and lying on the floor motionless, he's ignored by all United employees. While the passenger had already pressed charges, he's now suing over what happened. It might sound like he's just trying to piggyback on what happened with Dr. Dao in terms of the lawsuit, but this is actually really disgusting, especially as there's video footage. Per Click2Houston, here's what unfolded: "Hoke claims this all began with Tigner simply asking Anastasia for a new boarding pass because the one he had was garbled. The suit claims Anastasia laughed at him and cursed at him."

Written by BoardingArea @ http://boardingarea.com

Written by BoardingArea @ http://boardingarea.com