Are Packing Apps Worth the Download?

As any frugal traveler will attest to, organization is a critical part of preparing for any international trip. In the coming year, I’m finding that I will have several international trips coming up, including those to Amsterdam and Toronto. However (as my editor will admit), organization is not necessarily my strongest suit. When it comes to managing my next trips, I needed to find a new way to make sure I had everything in my suitcase.

With some searching, I found what may be the new favorite app on my smartphone. Packr is a free download available for the iPhone, which helps travelers pack for their trips starting with their destinations. In discovering this app over the past few days, I’m certainly not disappointed with what I’ve seen.

After downloading and going through the walkthrough, travelers are asked to plug in their future trips coming up. I began with my first trip: Amsterdam in the middle of June. After a moment of searching, the app started asking me more in-depth questions about my trip. Would I be staying at a hotel or Airbnb? Would my trip consist of only flying, or would I be traveling by other means as well? What activities will I be participating in? After answering all of these questions, the app spits out a suggested packing list for my adventure.

The packing list does not just consist of all the things I should need, but also makes suggestions based on the actual projected weather for my time away. Because I am expecting fair weather for my trip, the app suggested I pack casually for my trip. Accordingly, the app also reminds me to pack all my toiletries and personal items, complete with quantities for the number of days I will be gone. For those items that I don’t need, a simple left swipe removes them from my list entirely. As one of the downsides, I found myself doing this with several items that I simply do not need.

Of course, I’m not about to start packing with weeks ahead of my trip. With the dates plugged into my app, I set a push reminder as to when I should begin packing. As the forecast changes, so does the packing list – which means I may get an amended list when it comes time to pack. Overall, it gives me an intelligent look at not only what I should take, but also when I should take it based on real-time data.

The app is free, but the free version is supported by advertisements. A full version is available for $4.99, which I may purchase later if this packing list reflects what I need for my trip. Unfortunately, the app is currently only available for the iPhone and has not announced when an Android version may be available.

For the traveler who is always on the move, or needs help in knowing what to pack when, Packr could be the answer to a common problem. I look forward to seeing how accurate it is when I complete my next trip – and hope it continues to be of aid for future adventures.

Would you use a packing app to stay organized? Or are you a pro at packing? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Written by Frugal Travel Guy @

Written by Frugal Travel Guy @