Why I Stick with T-Mobile In Spite of Google Fi

Over a year ago, I was left shopping for new cell phone service after my old phone had slowly suffered all it could. After looking at all four major American providers, I settled on T-Mobile for their international friendly plans. With my T-Mobile plan, I have access to data in many of the nations I visit, with free calling across North America.

Since then, Google Fi has risen to offer similar services around the world. While the Google-lead cell phone service may offer a value-driven alternative for the frugal traveler – one that is favored by some of our writers – I’m not necessarily ready to give up on T-Mobile just yet.

When it comes to international cell phone service, there are three key reasons I’m sticking with the magenta carrier – and none of them have to do with T-Mobile Tuesday. Here are the three reasons I won’t make the switch over to Google Fi

Free On-Board Wi-Fi and Text Messaging via Gogo

One of the biggest advantages T-Mobile One has over Google Fi is their connectivity on the ground and in the air. While both T-Mobile and Google Fi offer fast data speeds across the country, T-Mobile offers one hour of free wi-fi connectivity on Gogo-equipped aircraft.

While that might not be enough to satisfy most power users, the other advantage T-Mobile has over competitors is the ability to text message throughout the flight via wi-fi. This great advantage gives me plenty of time to connect throughout the flight with friends, or let those at my destination know about my flight information if it should change. This ability has helped me maintain flexibility when my trips don’t necessarily go as planned.

Unlimited calling in North America and 2G data in 115 countries

In addition to the on-board internet access, T-Mobile offers seamless access to calling and data in many parts of the world. For travelers who find themselves primarily within North America, this carrier offers free calling and data in both Canada and Mexico, with seamless transitions in both countries.

In addition, T-Mobile also offers seamless 2G data across 115 countries around the world, only 20 countries less than Google Fi’s international reach. While the Google-lead project may offer more international access, data used in those countries automatically count against a traveler’s allowance. With T-Mobile’s plan, the data is unlimited – allowing travelers to use their data without concern of hitting the next tier upwards.

Trading Equipment Upward

Finally, one of the few frustrations with Google Fi is the limited number of devices that work with the cellular service. Currently, only four devices are authorized to work with the Google Fi service, all available directly from Google.

With T-Mobile, I have my choice of devices to choose from, including the latest devices from Apple and other manufacturers. Moreover, any accessories I may need are easily accessible through T-Mobile, added as an additional fee to my monthly service (should I so choose).

When it comes to reach, service and benefits, T-Mobile remains my carrier of choice for international travel. While Google Fi can work for travelers who don’t use much data abroad, the security of having unlimited data on a device of my choice makes T-Mobile my preferred carrier now and into the future.


Which carrier makes the most sense for your travels? Let me know your thoughts on both services – pros and cons – in the comments below!

Written by Frugal Travel Guy @ http://www.frugaltravelguy.com

Written by Frugal Travel Guy @ http://www.frugaltravelguy.com