Woman Claims American Flight Attendant Opened Overhead Bin, Poured Wine Over Her Wedding Dress

A Rube Goldberg machine is a device that’s incredibly complicated, using a variety of chain reactions, meant to accomplish a single simple task.

The level of complexity is completely unnecessary, like with “self-operating napkin” when of course it’s easy for the majority of people to pick up a napkin and wipe your hands or mouth yourself.

Source: Collier’s September 26 1931 via Wikipedia

A woman is suing American Airlines claiming they are, in effect, a giant Rube Goldberg machine meant to ruin her wedding.

She claims that she was flying American Airlines to Montego Bay to get married, and:

  • An agent told her not to check her wedding dress in her luggage, suggesting she should carry it on and hang it in the plane’s closet instead.

  • But a flight attendant wouldn’t let her use the closet, telling her it was for employees only.

  • So she had to place it in an overhead bin. She put it in a first class bin, and went back to her seat in coach.

  • She says her dress was the only item in the garment bag, and the garment bag was the only item in the overhead bin. But…”when the flight reached Jamaica, the white gown was heavily stained with red wine”

  • Therefore flight attendants opened the overhead bin, opened her garment bag, and poured red wine in.

    The lawsuit contends Oteh and her husband, Chidi, kept an eye on the bin throughout the flight, although Oteh believed they could not enter the first-class area.

    The couple saw Masters and another attendant enter the bin at one point, then engage a third attendant in conversation.

    “It was her belief that the flight attendants were placing something in the bin and making fun of (Oteh) and her wedding gown,” the suit asserts.

This woman claims American Airlines has caused “a lifetime of damage.” She’s suing for “$75,000 each for herself and four family members on the flight, including a son who was then nine months old.” (emphasis mine)

By the way even if the wedding was ruined by the stain on the dress, and even if an American Airlines flight attendant caused the stain intentionally, she and her husband had already been married for a year. They just didn’t have the ceremony right away because… wait for it… they both waited to graduate law school first.

Of course if she had just checked the wedding dress as luggage, this would probably have happened.

If you want to wind up in the same country as your wedding outfits, don’t fly Delta Airlines. from pics

(HT: Robb J.)

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