United CEO Says Decision To End NRA Discount Was Personal, Not Political

In late February a lot of companies cut ties with the NRA, following the Parkland tragedy. This came after companies that were associated in any way with the NRA got bombarded on social media with requests to cut ties with the organization. This even impacted some major US airlines that offered discounts for those traveling to NRA conferences. Presumably the intent of these discounts wasn't political as such. Companies offer discounts for volume all the time, though they sometimes shy away from controversial organizations. The challenge here was that being associated with the NRA suddenly became more controversial. I'm not quite sure that I get why it suddenly became controversial, because I feel like not a whole lot has changed. I guess it's that gun control is finally becoming more of a consistent topic of national conversation, rather than something we only talk about in the days following a tragedy, and then largely seem to forget about.

Written by BoardingArea @ https://boardingarea.com

Written by BoardingArea @ https://boardingarea.com