Iberia Plus Promotion Issues

Iberia recently offered a promotion where you could get 9,000 Avios points for every flight you booked, up to a maximum of 90,000 points. The real deal was that Iberia had some exceptionally cheap flights and other outlets confirmed with Iberia directly that you didn’t even need to actually fly the routes to get the bonus Avios (but you would forfeit the Avios you get from flying). The points were supposed to post within 10 days of purchase, the offer started on June 21st so points should be posting by now. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of issues, let’s talk through what they are and any possible solutions.

My Thoughts

At this stage I think Iberia is trying to crack down on people with multiple accounts and that’s why you’re seeing newer accounts locked. I honestly have very low expectations for this promotion working as advertised, I’ll add any other issues people encounter into this post.

The post Iberia Plus Promotion Issues appeared first on Doctor Of Credit.

Written by Doctor Of Credit @ https://www.doctorofcredit.com

Written by Doctor Of Credit @ https://www.doctorofcredit.com