Chase Offers/BofA: Get 10% Back at Kroger Brand Stores (up to $14 Cashback)

* Oᴛʜᴇʀ Dᴇᴀʟs & Sʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ *
Update 10/20/22: Offer is back, this time it’s either 10%/$14 or 5%/$5. (ht discreettulip89)
The Offer
No direct link, check your  Chase Offers to see if you were targeted

Get 10% back at Kroger, up to $7 cashback.
Others are seeing different amounts, e.g. 5% back up to $3

The Fine Print

Expires ?

Our Verdict
Should be easy money for anyone targeted.
Post History:

Update 6/12/22: Deal is back for 5%, up to $5 back. Hat tip to discreettulip89
Update 12/24/21: Deal is back for 5% this time.

This was published by Doctor Of Credit, to read the complete post please visit