Why the Latest Avios Program “Enhancement” Is Actually a Devaluation for Economy Flyers

This week, Godsavethepoints blog broke the story on the latest changes in Avios program. I won’t repeat all the pertinent details, but the gist of it is that you can now use more Avios in order to offset the ridiculous fuel surcharges when booking British Airways operated flights. What’s interesting is that the changes were made overnight, without notifying the members first. So, is it good news or bad news? Depends on who you ask.

This was published by Miles For Family, to read the complete post please visit https://milesforfamily.com/2022/12/09/why-the-latest-avios-program-enhancement-is-actually-a-devaluation-for-economy-flyers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-the-latest-avios-program-enhancement-is-actually-a-devaluation-for-economy-flyers.