Onefinestay has launched a promotion that allows you to earn up to £2000 voucher for a future booking by reserving a stay for November 23 – January 4, 2025, by September 30.
You must quote promotional code FESTIVE24 at the time of booking. The eligible booking must be for a villa and ski destination (London, Paris, NYC, and Los Angeles are excluded).
You can access this offer on Onefinestay’s website here and Accor’s page for Onefinestay here.
This was published by LoyaltyLobby, to read the complete post please visit https://loyaltylobby.com/2024/08/01/onefinestay-up-to-2000-future-booking-voucher-by-reserving-a-stay-for-november-23-january-4-2025/?omhide=true.