Category 4

Written by mreedtmr @ ThatMikeReed

Hurricane Harvey is now a Category 4 storm. Current tracks have it bouncing back out into the Gulf of Mexico and possibly landing in Houston (downgraded, of course) on Wednesday.  Still looking at lots of rain and potential flooding.

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It’s raining… and our porta-potties have arrived!

Written by mreedtmr @ ThatMikeReed

Right now where I’m at? Light rain. Why porta-potties? At our station in the county, we’re on septic. If the septic field floods and things back up, we’ve got a backup now. My district floods and if we get the continued rain they expect (up to 30 inches overall), Saturday night through Monday could be […]

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Modern Day Trojan Horses

Written by mreedtmr @ ThatMikeReed

After the DDoS attacks on Dyn today and the subsequent reports that two different exploits of unsecured/unpatched IoT devices are being used to conduct it, I have to wonder if the state of security on the primarily Chinese-manufactured IoT devices that have been shipped and placed into use worldwide was, in fact, simply careless as has […]

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The Business of Poker

Written by mreedtmr @ ThatMikeReed

(Note: This article starts with poker and ends with business – skip down if you just want the business lessons.) One of my hobbies is playing No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Poker.  Every once in a while I have a chance to join a tournament or play a live game and it’s always a different […]

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The Next Chapter: A New Home

Written by mreedtmr @ ThatMikeReed

When I first started blogging several years ago, I focused on my travels and the quest to obtain frequent flyer status to make those travels easier and more hassle-free.  GettingStatus was a fun adventure but now it’s time for the next chapter – a chapter that’s very personal but also something a lot of people […]

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