Afternoon Autumn Walks

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Afternoon Autumn Walks Another day in Autumn means another day for a walk to a new place. I feel really lucky that all these places are just a short walk from home. One of my favorite things about New Zealand are all the various sorts of trees… and they all go through […]

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Lockdown Walks in Dalefield

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Lockdown Walks in Dalefield New Zealand was NOT a bad place to be during lockdown because I was able to go out on walks in nature every day. How special! Luckily, I live out in the country, so I was able to wander off in different directions. I would take photos almost […]

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Temples in Kyoto

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Check out this Amazing Kid I wonder how much practice this required… That balance from nextfuckinglevel Daily Photo – Temples in Kyoto Kyoto has about 100 temples within a short trip from the city center. You can visit a different one every day and go for a walk. In fact, that’s a pretty good idea […]

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Autumn Light in New Zealand

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Mayan Warrior 2019 Here is one of my favorite art cars from Burning Man. It’s actually more than just an art car… their entire team amazing. Plus, whomever they get to make these videos is seriously talented! Check this out: Daily Photo – Autumn Light in New Zealand I love it when I get to […]

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The Reflections of Glenorchy

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Funny DMT Trip Video This is a pretty funny video… It (obviously) makes more sense if you have tried DMT. Daily Photo – The Reflections of Glenorchy This was one of the many fun stops we had during our Autumn workshop. I used to do four workshops with one for each season… that was a […]

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Autumn Gardens in Kyoto

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

New Origin PC! I’m getting my new Origin PC all set up now… it’s kind of fun for me to set up new computers! Maybe it’s KIND of a drag to reinstall all the Adobe software, move over my preferences, and this sort of thing. But, at the same time, it makes for a nice […]

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