My Roomies at Burning Man

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Passport Sunday Burning Man Story About Acid and the Asian Stalker? If you’re one of our awesome Passport Member then you’ll get to hear the new (still secret) podcast where I tell stories about different molecules I’ve ingested. Today’s story will take you on quite a wild ride… I’ve survived and lived to tell the […]

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The Path to The Man

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Survival Guide Be sure to check out my newly converted survival guide here on the blog (thanks Stu and also the team at Pressable for the conversion!) or on the original Adobe Spark site. Daily Photo – The Path to The Man I took this a few years ago but only recently edited […]

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David Bohm Film and a Freebie

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

To celebrate September… (how is it September already?) – here’s a great video sent to me from a friend… Some Free Content from KelbyOne I talked to my friend Kalebra Kelby and we decided, in honor of Burning Man, to release this whole interview free for a week! It’s called “The Personal Side of Trey […]

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A few from Burning Man!

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Whelp, there’s no Burning Man this year, which totally harshes my mellow. But, that’s okay! I’ll share some of my favorite photos with you that maybe you haven’t seen… Most of these are unpublished… Feel free to che…

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The Lost Lighthouse

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Portfolio Today’s daily photo gives me a good opportunity to mention my Burning Man Portfolio that you can enjoy at your leisure! 🙂 Daily Photo – The Lost Lighthouse I’m not sure if that is the exact name of this art piece or not, but it’s my name for it. Sometimes people online […]

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Indoor Waterfalls in Singapore

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Cool Burning Man Video! Here’s a new highlight video from Burning Man 2019 – its theme of “Metamorphasis” now seems presciently apropos eh? Until last week when it was canceled I’d put my odds on Burning Man this year at an optimistic 50/50 since it was over 5 months away… However, I know Burners, and […]

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Floating Above Center Camp

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Funny video Just like the Reddit title says, I’d love to have this guy read me the news every night. I’d love to hear this guy reading the news every damn night from funny Daily Photo – Floating Above Center Camp Back when it was easier to use a drone at Burning Man, I got […]

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My Trip to Burning Man 2019, Part 1

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

I took over 5,100 photos this year, but that’s not really the point. Well, it’s part of the point, at least for me. I really enjoy being off by myself with my camera and enjoy random connections with art and people. This is year #10 in a row for me and I’m slowly figuring more […]

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Way Above Laucala Island

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man or a Toddler? Here is a list of 18 things that are identical if you are attending Burning Man or parenting a toddler! How funny and true! 🙂 Daily Photo – Way Above Laucala Island Every day I stayed on Laucala Island, I got the quadcopter up as many times as possible. Charging […]

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A Pixel Panorama

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Documenting Burning Man interview… Right before I headed out this year, I did a fun interview with Steve Brazill on his podcast called “Behind the Shot.” Check it out below – thanks again Steve! Daily Photo – A Pixel Panorama I was visiting some friends over near Jack’s Point for a dinner and I walked […]

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The Three Sisters in Fog

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Bike Stolen and Taken to New Zealand! This is a great story about my friend (and camp-mate at Walter!) who had his bike stolen. Read the story here! Daily Photo – The Three Sisters in Fog Here’s a new photo I recently finished from Shanghai, China. I woke up early to get a […]

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Tane on a Bench

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Photowalk Announced! Hi Friends!!! I’ll see you Wednesday night at 7:30 PM just outside of Center Camp for my 10th Annual Burning Man Photowalk! This event is great if you’re totally new to photography or like mega-advanced. There’s lots of inspiration… tips… tricks… advice… philosophy… hugs… love… all that good stuff! 🙂 We’ll […]

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Way Back in Burning Man 2011

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Gallery I am always updating my Burning Man Gallery up on SmugMug. You can go there to see the last 8 years of photos. I’m so stoked to go this year, year #9… and I’m bringing my friend Hugh Howey! He’s a virgin! Daily Photo – Way Back in Burning Man 2011 Wow […]

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Haircut in Chengdu

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

The Headmaze! I’m Sooooo excited about this art piece… I want to mention it to help raise money to make it happen. It’s created by some of my favorite artists at Burning Man, so I hope you can contribute! Here’s the link! Daily Photo – Haircut in Chengdu It’s a pretty fun little photo idea […]

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The Light Show in Singapore

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Opulent Temple Here’s one of my favorite go-to Soundcloud artists, Opulent Temple. They are one of the many “sound” camps that go to Burning Man every year. Daily Photo – The Light Show in Singapore A few times every night, there is a big laser light show that seems to please people. I’ve seen it […]

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Shopping in Singapore

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Survival Guide Have you read my Burning Man Survival Guide? I’m thinking of making a more blog-friendly version of it here… but I can tell that will take quite a bit of time. Daily Photo – Shopping in Singapore There may be something wrong with me in that I enjoy taking photos of […]

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A Drive to Tekapo

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

“Mountains” by Hans Zimmer I had the most amazing acid experience while listening to this song! It was at Burning Man, and me, Rene, and Jonatas had all ended up in our RV. We were all on acid (of course). Anyway, we were listening to some of the craziest music from Jonatas’ Brazilian playlist and […]

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The Temple

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Nerd Time I woke up thinking about oxygen and how our cells covert the O2 molecule into CO2. I don’t know why I was thinking so hard about it, but I had to go jump on the internet to do some research. Anyway, I found out the following interesting tidbits, which is generally what I […]

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