Glacial Lake in Montana

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Part 2 for Passport Members Hey if you’re an awesome Passport Member then today you get to see part 2 of the analysis comparing RAWs to JPGs when it comes to using various combinations in Aurora. Enjoy! You’ll also get to see how I edited today’s photo! Part 2 of the Analysis Series! You can […]

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The Edge of Iceland

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Today, if you’re a Passport Member, then you’ll get to see the full edit of this photo. It was a particularly fun one because of the extreme contrast in colors. Enjoy! Editing a Photo from Iceland In today’s video, you’ll get to see a quick edit of how the photo above was achieved. Keep on […]

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Standing Guard in Rabat

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Passport Sunday How-ToM If you’re a Passport Member, then today is the day for a new how-to video! In today’s tutorial, you’ll see how I created this photo below. Passport Members have an extra little section that opens up so they can see behind-the-scenes and how-to videos. Enjoy! New Presets Added to Passport! For all […]

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Queenstown Gardens Edit

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Upcoming Queenstown Photo Workshop! The image from today’s video was taken during our Queenstown, New Zealand Photo Workshop which is coming in soon in just a few weeks! It’s going to be a great time and this is one of the many locations we visit together. If you’re a Passport Member then you get to […]

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Home Photo Edit

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Passport Present for the new Year Thanks again to all the subscribers to Passport! Since it’s Passport Sunday, it’s time for another how-to video to add to the 150+ that are already there! Home Photo Edit I’ve been working on taking photos of my own home a lot lately because of the AirBnB thing. In […]

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Using Textures in Luminar

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Passport Sunday Texture Party! If you’re a Passport Member then today you get to see a new tutorial video I made about using textures with the new version of Luminar! I’ve been playing with it quite a bit, so you’ll get to see all my new tricks. I had a lot of fun making this […]

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Teahouse HDR

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

More from Chengdu Today’s Passport Sunday how-to-video is from Chengdu, China. I do a rather aggressive edit today, as you’ll see! Either way, here are some of my other favorite photos from Chengdu. Teahouse HDR Here’s a RATHER extreme HDR treatment! I don’t usually go this whole hog, but this place had such a Communist […]

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High Above Laucala Island

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

I have an all-new photography tutorial! I recently returned from spending about a month in Africa (Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar) and each country had completely different photography situations. So it’s not just about travel photography, but it touches on pretty much everything in the seven lessons that include packing and equipment, landscape photography, HDR, People […]

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Passport Sunday Fun!

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Today’s video for Passport Members is a quick and dirty edit from a single RAW file that I think you’ll really like. I was pretty sure that this overexposed photo was a goner, but I was shocked at what Aurora HDR did to it! The Overexposed Pirate Ship I use Aurora HDR so much and […]

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New Tutorial on the Way!

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

I have a huge new tutorial we’re about to release! Make sure you’ve signed up for our newsletter to find out about it immediately. It’s 8 amazing lessons filmed while I spent about a month in Africa. Today, if you’re a Passport Member then you get to see a little sneak preview combined with a […]

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Passport Sunday!

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

We’re in Africa for Passport Sunday this week and in glorious 360 to boot as I chat with some of the lovely people below. This was taken just as we were heading off to another location on part 1 of my Africa photo adventure/workshop. Delving into the minds of my workshop friends I’m out in […]

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My Workflow in Toronto!

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Speaking of Canada… I thought I would share three fun photos from Canada. They’re all quite different, but I hope you enjoy! And now on with the show… My Workflow in Toronto! At a recent art talk, I got many questions about my workflow. This is a fairly “boring” but important thing, so I decided […]

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Montreal from the Hilltop

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

More Montreal Behind-the-Scenes for Canada Last week, Passport Members got to see the 360 video that I took up here while preparing to take the photo. Today, the actual processing in Aurora HDR has been unlocked! I hope you enjoy! Montreal Downtown Processing Today, you get to see my process one of the final photos […]

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