Prepping for the New Year with a New Look

Written by Stephan Segraves @ Stephan Segraves

In early November I hinted about a possible new look for this site and today I clicked the “update” button and took the plunge with a new design. It is a free design from the folks over at Themehaus and while I am still playing with the colors, I love the overall simplicity of the…

The post Prepping for the New Year with a New Look first appeared on Stephan Segraves.

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Late night in Abu Dhabi

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

130K Views! Wow… Stu just informed my that my first Machine Elf video (See the Machine Elf Website here) has garnered more than 130,000 views, making it one of the most popular videos on my YouTube channel. I actually think it is the WORST of all 8 of the Machine Elf videos we have released […]

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The Hasselblad at F/22

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – The Hasselblad at F/22 You know, as much as I make fun of the Hasselblad, I’m very happy with how some of the shots come out. I still do quite a bit of post-processing using Aurora and other tools, but, I have to admit… shooting in Venice at F/22 has its upside. […]

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When Venice Flooded

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Officially a New Zealand Citizen! I’m working on getting my passport now… and in the meantime, they sent me this welcome video, which was nice. I think it’s kind of funny how they are using country music in the background! 🙂 Warning… terrible quality recording! Daily Photo – When Venice Flooded I didn’t capture it […]

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Rainy Day in Central London

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Rainy Day in Central London It seems like it rains almost every day in London, so why not head out and take photos? This area between the mayor’s office and the Shard has some incredible lines. It’s really tough to take a bad photo around here because of the shapes and colors. […]

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The Inverted Remarkables

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – The Inverted Remarkables This is one of those fun visual tricks I like to play from time to time. I like it takes the viewer a few seconds (or more!) to figure out what exactly is going on. When you discover the trick, I think you get a little burst of dopamine, […]

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On the Way to Mount Cook

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Funny Airline Video Economy, for your comfort from funny Daily Photo – On the Way to Mount Cook If you’re up near Mount Cook on the South Island of New Zealand and want a cool reflection shot, here’s a tip! There’s a big lodge there and if you start driving on the roads behind it […]

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How I select photos to process…

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

If you’re a Passport Member then you’ll see a bit of background info on how I selected today’s daily photo to work on. How I select photos to process… Let’s dive into my culling process. Enjoy! Exclusive content for Passport members Unlock Now Daily Photo – London in the Rain It’s always raining in London, […]

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Shadows of the Southern Alps

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

New SmugMug Film Our friends over at SmugMug have released a new film about this cool photographer named Bella Kotak. Hope you like it! Daily Photo – Shadows of the Southern Alps If you get out to Glenorchy early enough in the morning, you can see these amazing shadows from one set of mountains projected […]

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Visiting a mosque in Kuala Lumpur

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Video Here’s a cool video I hope you like! While I was on tour across Europe a few years ago, I would give art talks at different Ritz-Carlton hotels along the way. One of the gentlemen there that helps run the show, Nick Teare, asked me if I’d be interested in making […]

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Rain in Shanghai

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Final Warning! Okay, this is the Last Day Warning to get the new tripod here. So far, there have been over 23,000 people that have purchased, raising a total of well over $10million! Grab it now… I’ve been using it all around the world for the past few months… you can watch behind-the-scenes videos and […]

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Stu Robertson in Antarctica

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

David Spade Ripping on GoT This is hilarious. Daily Photo – Stu Robertson in Antarctica What a cool dude he is, eh? You know how some people don’t have to try to be cool and just ARE? Yep, that’s Stu all right! We spent a lot of time taking photos of one another… almost like […]

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Angkor Wat in the Morning

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Practicing Calligraphy I decided to record a video of me practicing Chinese calligraphy in reverse. I’m finally getting a LITTLE bit better! (Open the link to see the full-size video.) Calligraphy level 1 trillion from Damnthatsinteresting Daily Photo – Angkor Wat in the Morning I used a new technique to process this old photo. I […]

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Autumn Gardens in Kyoto

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

New Origin PC! I’m getting my new Origin PC all set up now… it’s kind of fun for me to set up new computers! Maybe it’s KIND of a drag to reinstall all the Adobe software, move over my preferences, and this sort of thing. But, at the same time, it makes for a nice […]

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Shopping in Singapore

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Burning Man Survival Guide Have you read my Burning Man Survival Guide? I’m thinking of making a more blog-friendly version of it here… but I can tell that will take quite a bit of time. Daily Photo – Shopping in Singapore There may be something wrong with me in that I enjoy taking photos of […]

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The Hills

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Africa and India Workshops We’re loosely planning a workshop for India! Stay tuned to our workshops page to see what we have in store for you! 🙂 Daily Photo – The Hills There are about a dozen perfect little ponds around The Hills golf course. Most of the time, they have perfect reflections as well. […]

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The Nunatak

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Train Journeys I don’t really make New Years Resolutions because if I decide to make a change in my life, I go ahead and make it immediately. But, I do try to set aside generalized goals for the next twelve months. One of them was to have more long train journeys. I did a few […]

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The Nunatak

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Train Journeys I don’t really make New Years Resolutions because if I decide to make a change in my life, I go ahead and make it immediately. But, I do try to set aside generalized goals for the next twelve months. One of them was to have more long train journeys. I did a few […]

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