The Temple

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Full Edit for Passport Members If you’re a Passport Member then you know every Sunday has a brand new video! This week’s is a bit more complex than others because there is quite a bit of work to do in Aurora and Photoshop to make it even better. Enjoy! The Temple Edit This has one […]

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Late night in Abu Dhabi

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

130K Views! Wow… Stu just informed my that my first Machine Elf video (See the Machine Elf Website here) has garnered more than 130,000 views, making it one of the most popular videos on my YouTube channel. I actually think it is the WORST of all 8 of the Machine Elf videos we have released […]

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Exploring Istanbul

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Amazing Tech Check out this incredible new tech for the Playstaytion 5 with the Unreal Engine. Daily Photo – Exploring Istanbul I find Mosques often to be the most photogenic of the various kinds of religious buildings. They are all quite different and unique architecture. Another cool thing, that most people don’t know, is that […]

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Happy monks in Cambodia

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Happy monks in Cambodia Most of the monks I saw in Cambodia were not really doing monk-like things. I expected to see lots of meditating or chanting or something. Most of the time, they were just goofing, playing games, smoking, and just acting like pretty much everyone else! Happy monks in Cambodia […]

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Drama in Thailand

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

The Mandalorian Don’t forget to check out this new amazing show! It’s really well done… better than a lot of the movies in a way! Daily Photo – Drama in Thailand One evening in Pattaya I sneaked down through the jungle to get up close to this temple. It wasn’t quite open for public consumption […]

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Inside the Mighty Cathedral

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Carp with a Human Face I saw this on Reddit and thought it was pretty cool. Anyone that follows evolutionary trees knows that fish are our distant distant cousins… and then when you see something like this (even though you can’t prove things by anecdote, but DNA instead), it is a bit mind-bending. (Open the […]

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Visiting a mosque in Kuala Lumpur

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Video Here’s a cool video I hope you like! While I was on tour across Europe a few years ago, I would give art talks at different Ritz-Carlton hotels along the way. One of the gentlemen there that helps run the show, Nick Teare, asked me if I’d be interested in making […]

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Check out Episode 2 of My Audio Podcast

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Trey Ratcliff’s 360 Podcast – Discussing World Building with Author Hugh Howey In this podcast I’m walking on the Camino de Santiago with author of the popular Silo series, Hugh Howey. We discuss World Building, which is the process fiction writers go through to create the fundamentals of the situation in which the story takes […]

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Exploring Oman

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

True Size Map Prepare for mind blowage as you check out this website to check the size of one country versus others. Daily Photo – Exploring Oman I was allowed to stay at this beautiful mosque after closing. This is one of the security guys that was helping to show me around. He was incredibly […]

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The Art Zoo in Singapore

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Hitchens I just updated my book list over at my to include the book by Christopher Hitchens called “God is not Great.” I listened to the audiobook, which I also recommend because he has an incredible voice too! Daily Photo – The Art Zoo in Singapore I was watching this all the time out […]

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