Sushi Sho Waikiki – The World’s Most Unique Sushi

Written by Island Miler @ Jeffsetter Travel

Sushi is pervasive today. But, as you might imagine, all sushi isn’t created equally. Much like pizza, you have utility-grade sushi to artisan-grade. Sushi Sho Waikiki is of the artisan variety but is SO much more. Mrs. Island Miler and I love sushi. And, it is my belief that there is a place for both […]

The post Sushi Sho Waikiki – The World’s Most Unique Sushi appeared first on Jeffsetter Travel.

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Sushi Sho Waikiki – The World’s Most Unique Sushi

Written by Island Miler @ Jeffsetter Travel

Sushi is pervasive today. But, as you might imagine, all sushi isn’t created equally. Much like pizza, you have utility-grade sushi to artisan-grade. Sushi Sho Waikiki is of the artisan variety but is SO much more. Mrs. Island Miler and I love sushi. And, it is my belief that there is a place for both […]

The post Sushi Sho Waikiki – The World’s Most Unique Sushi appeared first on Jeffsetter Travel.

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