Threats to Critical Infrastructure

Written by Stephan Segraves @ Stephan Segraves

From War on the Rocks: Circumstantial evidence suggests that Warner was protesting 5G technology — reportedly an FBI line of inquiry. The campervan was parked in front of an AT&T transmission building and the explosion knocked down a network hub. The company website called the blast “devastating,” reporting secondary fires, loss of power, damaged equipment,…

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Officials In Europe Confirming The US Is Preparing To Expand Laptop Ban On Planes

A few days ago I discussed rumors that the United States was preparing to ban laptops and larger electronics on flights originating in Europe.  This would be a massive expansion of the electronics ban to a limited number of countries in the Middle East. There now appears to be confirmation from European officials that the US will move forward with a much wider ban of large electronics on all flights originating from Europe bound for the US. It appears this will be announced tomorrow.  There’s some ambiguity about what sorts of […]

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Trump Blames Travel-Ban Chaos on Delta, Protesters

Written by Tim Winship @ SmarterTravel

In a move that elicited disapproval and dismay from Democrats, Republicans, and leaders of many other countries, newly elected President Donald Trump on Friday issued an executive order that barred refugees, visa holders, and permanent U.S. residents from seven predominately Muslim countries from reentering the U.S. Chaos ensued, as travelers, airlines, and airports were caught […]

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The 10 Airports Where the TSA Found the Most Guns

Written by Tim Winship @ SmarterTravel

Do air travelers not understand that it’s prohibited to bring their firearms onboard with them? Or do they know that, but think they can sneak their guns through the security checkpoints? Whatever the underlying motivation, 28 percent more guns were discovered at U.S. airports during 2016 than during the previous year. According to just-released figures […]

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Flight Attendants with Stun Guns – Yay or Nay?

Written by Tim Winship @ SmarterTravel

In a fact sheet issued last month, IATA, the International Air Transport Association, calls them “unruly passengers,” and deems them a “significant problem.” In case you don’t get the reference, here’s what’s at issue: Unruly passenger incidents include violence against crew and other passengers, harassment , verbal abuse, smoking, failure to follow safety instructions and […]

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For Your Un-Bucket List: the World’s 10 Most Corrupt Countries

Written by Tim Winship @ SmarterTravel

Just as there are many reasons to visit some countries, so too are there many reasons to avoid other countries. When it comes to travel planning, corruption, and all that implies, should be a red flag, at least, if not a definitive deal-breaker. Transparency International makes it its business to assess corruption levels around the […]

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Does Travel Insurance Cover Terrorism?

Written by Ed Perkins @ SmarterTravel

Given recent headlines, you might wonder: Does travel insurance cover terrorism? And the short answer is, “Yes, but…” with some important variables in that “but.” Most trip-cancellation or interruption travel insurance includes “terrorism” as a named peril and a “covered reason” for benefits when you might want to cancel or change a trip to a […]

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Should You Buy Travel Insurance This Holiday Season?

Written by Ed Perkins @ SmarterTravel

If you’re planning a trip over the holiday season, consider putting travel insurance in the mix. As with any form of insurance, travel insurance basically shares monetary risk: Lots of travelers pay a little so that a few can recover major losses. Some travel risks can involve thousands of dollars, which is when travel insurance […]

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This City Dethroned London as the Most-Visited in the World

Written by Shannon McMahon @ SmarterTravel

When it comes to the world’s most popular destinations, two travel hubs have been in a tug-of-war match for the title of ‘most-visited’ over the past few years. While London took the top spot in TripAdvisor’s Travelers Choice Awards this summer and was the most popular destination of 2015 and 2014 according to MasterCard’s Global Destination […]

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Tourism After Terror: What Happens Next?

Written by Caroline Morse @ SmarterTravel

I’ve been thinking a lot about the people I met in Egypt. When I visited the country two years ago, I met many who had pinned their career hopes and livelihoods on the tourism sector. The guides I hired had spent years going to special industry schools and perfecting their English. They all told me […]

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