Midtown Manhattan

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

New Fuji 100-megapixel camera Man, I must say… I don’t really want to jump the Sony ship to get on the Fuji ship, but this new camera looks pretty dang sweet! Daily Photo – Midtown Manhattan It was one of the final stops on our worldwide tour, and New York City was a great place […]

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Dallas Double Exposure

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Dallas Double Exposure This is the amazing place where we had the Dallas Photo Walk! Man, I was so tired that morning; I almost didn’t make it. We had just driven in from New Orleans where we partied a little too hard… then slept on the bus all the way to Dallas. […]

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Miami before the Cruise

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Miami before the Cruise Here’s one of the last cruises I took before the whole pandemic thang. That’s a view of Miami from the water just as we left. It was kind of funny… this cruise was with the Summit people, which are a lot like the TED people. In other words, […]

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Evening Storm Rolling into Naples

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Landscapes with Luminar AI I’ve been using Luminar for a while now, along with Aurora HDR, as my main software for processing images. It’s just so powerful and feature packed which makes editing images even more fun than normal. Recently I got hold of the new Luminar AI which replaces Luminar 4 and it’s great. […]

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Washington D.C. in the Snow

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Listen to my new Podcast! Check out the new podcast called “Molecules I’ve Ingested” at https://podcasts.treyratcliff.com/ ! We’ve actually recorded the first two episodes already… I got this idea from my friend Hanna in Scotland because she thought I had hilarious stories about trying different drugs, so I decided to turn it into a full […]

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My Roomies at Burning Man

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Passport Sunday Burning Man Story About Acid and the Asian Stalker? If you’re one of our awesome Passport Member then you’ll get to hear the new (still secret) podcast where I tell stories about different molecules I’ve ingested. Today’s story will take you on quite a wild ride… I’ve survived and lived to tell the […]

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Photos in the White Sands

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

The Girls over the Hill In today’s photo, I realized those two heads sticking out are the same heads that are on the girls in this photo below. I mean, I guess I realized that at the time, but now I just put it together again! Daily Photo – Photos in the White Sands We […]

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Naples at Sunset

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Daily Photo – Naples at Sunset It seems kind of lazy just to stroll up and down the beach with my camera at sunset to get the easy shot, but I’m not above being lazy! This was a 3.2-second exposure to smooth out the water just a little bit. Some people will come out here […]

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Great Meditation

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

I’ve always loved listening to Mooji and I just recently found out he was on Russell Brand’s show. Here’s a meditation he did while on there: Best of: New York City! I have a ton of photos of the city, so it’s extra hard to choose the favorites… so these aren’t really favorites… just a […]

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Machine Elf 36 – Open Heart

Written by Stu Davidson @ Stuck in Customs

Here’s the latest! Machine Elf 36 – Open Heart. I remember laying out in the white sands of the desert at Burning Man on my back in the middle of the afternoon, looking at the sun and blue sky. I was thinking about 1,000 different things and not thinking of them at the same time. […]

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